has an international executive management background, having held positions of
Sales and Marketing Director, Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director for
multinationals such as Sony Playstation (subsidiary licence of Ster-Kinekor),
GlaxoSmithKline, Boots Pharmaceuticals and Famous Brands (Blockbuster
Division). He sustained these directorships in excess of 12 years, whereafter he ventured into business consulting,
entrepreneurship and academic activities.
He holds amongst others, a BCom (Unisa), MBA (
) |
and DCom (UP), and specialises in franchising, entrepreneurship and strategic
sales/marketing. He is also an executive member of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), Australian executive director of Ten3 Asia Pacific (a global consortium of entrepreneurship and new venture partnerships) and Managing Partner of Showcase Ventures (Pty) Ltd. Affiliated interests include entrepreneurial business consulting activities and facilitating SME, Franchising and Business Growth Strategy workshops.
Alex has published internationally in entrepreneurship and franchising, and presented keynote addresses at over 30 conferences across 5 continents. He is also a regular columnist in various local publications. Professional memberships include SEAANZ, ANZAM, REE (Asia), ITIA ( Asia ) and ANZMAC. Most recently, Alex was awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching (ALTC) Citation for teaching excellence in entrepreneurship education.
Email: amaritz@swin.edu.au
Website: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/business |