Short Bio - Dr. Chie-bein Chen
Short Bio - Dr. Chie-bein Chen
Dr. Chie-bein Chen
Professor Chie-bein Chen, received his Ph. D. in Industrial Engineering from University of Missouri, Columbia, U. S. A.. in 1994. He is a faculty member in the Department of International Business, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, R. O. C.. He is specialties in (1) Uncertainty Decision Analysis, (2) Multi-objective Decision Analysis and Evolution Algorithm, (3) Electronic Commence Management, (4) Operational Research, (5) Logistics Management, (6) Quality Management and Engineering, (7) Service Science,

(8) Management and Engineering and (9) Technology Innovation and Management. His experience are (1) the President of Chinese Institute of Decision Sciences, (2) Vice President of Chinese Association of Global Trading and Logistics, (3) Chief of Editor Board of The Journal of Innovation Research and Development, (4) Sectary General of Operations Research Society of Taiwan, (5) Sectary General of Chinese Institute of Decision Sciences, (6) Director, Center for Academic and Industry – Academia Cooperation Research and Development (Temporarily Transfer), (7) Dean , College of Management Takming University of Science and Technology (Temporarily Transfer), (8) Chairman of the Department of International Business, National Dong Hwa University, (9) Associate Professor, the Department of Business Administration, Ming Chun University, (10) Associate Professor, the Department of Industry and Management, St. John University of Science and Technology, (11) Senior Specialist, Department of Manufacturing, D-link Technology Co. and (12) Associate Engineering, Mechanical Research Lab. Industry Technology and Research Institute. He has published papers in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packing and Manufacturing Technology, Part C: Manufacturing Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness Knowledge-based Systems, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Engineering Valuation and Cost Analysis, The Engineering Economist, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, The Journal of Grey Systems, Engineering Optimization, Assembly Automation Journal, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Journal of the Operational Research Society, The Asian Journal on Quality, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Statistics and Computing, International Journal of Operations Research, Information Sciences, International Journal of Information Management Sciences, Information and Software Technology, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Journal of Relationship Marketing, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Technovation, The International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Expert Systems win Applications . His areas of research include multiple criteria decision making in uncertainty, evolutionary optimization and their applications.