June 01, 2010: Deadline for call for paper June 10, 2010: Results of paper review June 11, 2010: Start for registration July 05, 2010:Deadline for registration Aug. 04, 2010: Start of the conference
From 2010, our conference, International Conference on Industrial Globalization and Technology Innovation (ICIGTI), will rename as “International Conference of Organizational Innovation”, and the purpose of this rename is to let conference topic pluralism and strengthen the exchange of various countries scholar. The Conference is going to invite international famous professionals and scholars to cooperate for this great project, and encourage the eager submission of the authors who would like to offer the results of either research or empirical study in order to reach the goals of sharing and interchanging the experiences of theoretical development and application. It is expected that the Conference can be a channel of knowledge sharing and innovation for the cycle of international innovation to promote its ceaseless development. The Conference encourages experts and scholars all over the world to publish and share their research outcomes and learn from each other by exchanging views. It is hoped that the exchanges in the Conference helps individuals and corporations understand the models of industry Globalization and Technology Innovation.
The host will carry out paper review and proclaim review results on the website of the conference of July 10, 2010.
Paper of full text is required to write in English by WORD processing from the left to the right of A4 paper, and the paper length is limited to be less than 15 pages. Also, attached with detailed contact information, included (name, title, affiliation, mail and email address, phone or cell, and fax).
Papers will be sent to two referees for blind review for acceptance or Reject.